Portrait Gallery 3

Portrait Gallery 3

This page contains more images which will be of interest to the family historian. Though not of the same social standing as some of those featured in Portrait Galleries 1 and 2, their names live on in local history and folklore.

Jonathon Bostock

A Crier and Bill-Poster who acquired the name of Derby Trot, having said to has trotted from Ilkeston to Derby and back again, three times in just one day, covering a total distance of some 60 miles over 12 hours.
The photograph of Jonathon is believed to date from the 1890s.
Thomas “Giant” Sisson

He was a resident of Cotmanhay and worked as a collier at the Rutland Colliery. He is said to have weighed 22 stone and during a miners strike, he and a number of other miners pulled a wagon load of coal from Ilkeston to Belvoir Castle, home of the Duke of Rutland. His feat so impressed his Grace, he had his portrait painted by Joseph Travers.
Samuel Taylor “The Ilkeston Giant”

He was born at Little Hallam in 1816, the son of Samuel and Ann Taylor.
By the age of 14 he had already reached the height of six feet ten inches. When fully grown he stood at seven feet four inches. finding regular employment difficult, he was engaged by a travelling showman as a ‘giant’, eventually marrying his daughter. When he died in 1875, his funeral was attended by many of the townsfolk and its dignitaries. He is buried at Stanton Road Cemetery, whose Friends erected a wooden statue of him as a memorial.
John Watkinson

Apparently best known for carrying a large box of snuff with him at all times, from which he would take pinches during church and chapel services.
His other eccentricity was that he is said to have kept several cannon mounted in his house ready to repel some unknown enemy.

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