Ilkeston: Roman coin site at Cotmanhay

A Roman bronze coin of Gratian (367-383 AD) was found by Mr Birch in a mole hill on rough ground alongside the canal and River Erewash off Sleaford Way, Cotmanhay. The coin is on display at the Erewash Museum.
Ilkeston: Neolithic knife site at Cotmanhay

A splendid example of a late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age plano/convex flint knife was discovered by Mr John Procter of Langley Avenue, Cotmanhay, whilst digging a bean trench. Its location near a prominent hill-top and its unusually good condition suggest that it was not far from its original site and possibly part of a burial collection. On display at the Erewash Museum.
Ilkeston: Neolithic axe head

Two Neolithic greenstone axe-heads were discovered by a gardener, Bill Stevenson, with Erewash Borough Council on Pewit Golf Course, Ilkeston. One had been damaged but the other survives intact. On display at the Erewash Museum.
Morley: Church Cross
Grade 2: SK396409
Believed to date from the 17th century, it was restored in 1916, when the present stepped platform was constructed from stones retrieved from the demolished manor house and an effigy of the Madonna and Child was placed on the original shaft. Excavations in 2000 by the Derbyshire Archaeological Society revealed a lime-mortared stone platform beneath the present structure. Thought to be evidence of the former Butter or Barter Cross which is recorded as once existing at Morley.
Morley: Mound
Scheduled Ancient Monument: SK 392410
This is the eroded remains of an earthwork comprising a mound and encircling ditch. Situated on the route of the former Portway at an elevated site west of the present A608 road, it has commanding views of the surrounding terrain. Its age and identity is uncertain but it is thought to be the remnant of a motte and bailey or similar defensive structure dating from the 10th to 12th century. It is now a scheduled site.
Morley: Earthworks near church
Private Property: SK396409
Until 2001 a mound and wall alignments were visible to the west of Morley churchyard. The mound was probably a conery, whilst the walls were the remnants of the former Hall demolished during the 18th century.
Morley: Bronze age axe head site
Private Property: SK399419
A corroded but complete example of a middle Bronze Age socketed and flanged axe head was discovered by James Knifton whilst ploughing on Smithy Farm, Morley. Its survival on a previously open cast area is extremely fortunate. On display at the Erewash Museum.
Stanley Grange: Medieval iron workings
Private Property: SK427406
The site of a medieval iron working centre presumed to have been in the ownership of Dale Abbey. It was excavated in 1997 by the Trent and Peak Archaeological Unit to reveal 8 hearths dated by archaeomagnetic methods and associated pottery types from mid 13th to early 14th century. Evidence of ore crushing, smelting and bloom refining was also discovered. The excavated site has now been destroyed by open cast coal extraction.
Stanley Grange
Now a farm, this is the site of the former Grange of Dale Abbey, dating from the 14th century and possibly earlier. In 1903 an oak coffin containing a skeleton and glass phial was discovered. Thought to be Roman at the time, it is now suspected as being Medieval. Traces of the 17th century buildings survive in the present farm structures.
West Hallam: Moated site
Private Property: SK439405
This is a scheduled site, parts of which are still visible south east of West Hallam Storage Depot. It was possibly the home of the Cromwells of West Hallam during the 13th century. No public access.